Celebrating Service!
365 Days of Service highlighted an act of service for every day of a full year!
365 encourages individuals to continue share an act of kindness observed, highlight an organization that's serving others, or recognize an individual that's doing good. Inspire good, share greatness, make a diffference - one day of service at a time. Submit your post to
Monday, November 21, 2011
Meera Bonbonerie!
365 Days of Service takes today to salute Meera Bonbonerie!
Her legal name is Meera, however, after a surprise package arrived to our office door from The Bonbonerie with an address tag labeled "Meera Bonbonerie" at the top, her official name in California was changed to Meera Bonbonerie to better represent her actions!
Meera is a great friend and a thoughtful, dedicated, generous woman of service!
And now, a list of the Top 5 Meera Bonbonerie facts!
Meera Bonbonerie Fact #1: Meera is camp in human form. She LOVES camp. She's volunteered at more camps than I know, she always has camp on her mind. She takes time to volunteer at camp programs around the world - and better yet, she encourages friends and loved ones to volunteer, create, and experience the magic of camp with her.
Meera Bonbonerie Fact #2: Meera is amazing. She studied overseas to become a doctor and is nearly done with the becoming-a-doctor process (a lot of school, tests, rotations, etc.).
Meera Bonbonerie Fact #3: Meera has a sense of style that she rocks every single day. She is an amazing accessorizer. A combination of fun skirts, beads, bracelets and sparkly headbands always leaves me in awe of her fashion and flare!
Meera Bonbonerie Fact #4: Meera is an incredible package sender. She sends care packages frequently and has been known to go to great lengths to support baker-hunter endeavors. She's sent cupcakes via jar, cheesecake, and, of course, the mailing that led to the great name, iced butter cookies from The Bonbonerie! Did I mention that she somehow sent these things while studying abroad on an island in the middle of the ocean?
Meera Bonbonerie Fact #5: Meera is a wonderful friend. Time after time Meera and I scheduled weekly and monthly calls. Calls to catch up, calls to plan the next big adventure. When you're around Meera, there's always something big brewing. And when we're not in touch via friendly phone call or email invitiation for the next great event, Meera is sending a care package. One of my favorite gifts? Last year Meera sent me a package of M&Ms, chocolate-coconut kind. It was a gift that was truly Meera - one that showed her thoughtfulness to remember my birthday, a sweet card with a loving message, plus a gift that she knew I would absolutely love.
Thanks, Meera, for being a friend who shows her thoughtfulness and care in so many different ways. A friend who I always think of in fun-memory form - like the Bubblefest mix I listened to this weekend. You are loved.
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I echo this salute to Meera!! Good fun facts indeed. And what a nice picture of you two.