Celebrating Service!

365 Days of Service highlighted an act of service for every day of a full year!

365 encourages individuals to continue share an act of kindness observed, highlight an organization that's serving others, or recognize an individual that's doing good. Inspire good, share greatness, make a diffference - one day of service at a time. Submit your post to

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beautiful Anonymous Greeting Cards, Part Deux

Prosecutor: Your honor, members of this fine jury, we've come back from recess because of startling developments in the case of "Beautiful Anonymous Greeting Cards." An important witness has come forward in a case that was believed to have gone cold.

Judge: Thank you, Counsel. Please call your witness to the stand.

Prosecutor: Your honor, jury, we hereby call Lynn to the stand.

Bailiff: Please raise your right hand. Do you, Lynn, promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Lynn: I do. 

Prosecutor: Lynn, please share your testimony with the crowd.

Lynn: I have evidence and suspects. I saw the same picture on my shutterfly account. A little man, approximately 2 1/2 years old, with a young female accomplice, approximately 9 months, were seen sitting at the computer a few weeks ago, up to no good.

Prosecutor: Please continue.

Lynn: Their dad and grandmother were also witnesses to this secret crime - I'm sure they'll be willing to testify and translate the babbles and whining the prosecutors will force out of these two rascals. The young boy even left evidence of my address book open to "Aunty April". Not sure how they paid for it- I'll have to check my bank statements.

Jury: Your honor, this is a tall order for two little children. We'd like to hear what the defedants plead.

Judge: Cade, Kendyll, how do you plead?

Cade: (Questioning look... who is this man?)

Kendyll: (Crawls out from under the table) Ba ba ba, da da dah.

Prosecutor: (Rubbing his beard) Hmmm. So Lynn, you say that all this was done by two children, both under the age of 3 years old?

Lynn: Yes. Your honor, jury, you've got to believe me. They might look small but do not underestimate the kindness in these two. I've seen them in action everyday. This is just one way they've spread joy, there are countless others.

Judge: We'll recess for 6 minutes for the jury to deliberate.

- - - - - -  Courtroom breaks for 6 minutes - - - - - -

Judge: Jury, how do you decide?

Jury: Your honor, members of the courtroom, the jury has come to a final decision. Cuteness aside, all evidence points to these two little ones. They did catch April with surprise to the 3rd degree. We have no choice but to rule them guilty as charged: kindness conspirators for all the world to learn from.

Judge: Cade, Kendyll, Lynn. You've heard the jury's recommendations. Let me tell you this. In all my years of experience in this here courtroom, never have I come across a case such as these with instigators as little as you. Earth Code 56020405 should have you tried as minors on this occassion, but given the circumstances, we must try you to the fullest extent. You see here, your act of kindness done far surpasses your years on this planet. Do you understand what I am saying?

Cade: (Smiles and giggles)
Kendyll: Ba ba ba, da da dah.

Judge: Well witnesses in this courtroom, members of this jury, we just may never know how these two came to committ the act of kindness that they did. But know this, the transcriptions will read that this has been one of the greatest acts of kindness ever done.

Judge: (Hits gavel) Cade, Kendyll, you are hereby charged for acts according to Earth Code 326549: Desire to Spread Good to Others.  Job well done, young 'uns.

- - - - - - Courtroom adjourned - - - - - -

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