Celebrating Service!

365 Days of Service highlighted an act of service for every day of a full year!

365 encourages individuals to continue share an act of kindness observed, highlight an organization that's serving others, or recognize an individual that's doing good. Inspire good, share greatness, make a diffference - one day of service at a time. Submit your post to

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bell Ringers

The Salvation Army Red Kettles have been a winter-time tradition since 1891. 1891!

I recently spoke to a friend who mentioned that she makes a point to give to the Salvation Army Red Kettle everytime she sees one. Whether it's in the form of a bill or bills, or cleaning out the loose change from her pocket, the effort is the same... give everytime you hear the bell. I took this to heart since speaking to her and have done my best to contribute, even if just a little at a time, to this worthy cause.

Today I came across this Salvation Army Red Kettle and thought they'd be a wonderful feature for 365. "I'm a Kiwanis 'Bell Ringer,'" their aprons told me. I stopped to say hello, give my contribution for the day, and took a minute to get to know these two gentlemen. They are volunteering through their local Kiwanis Chapter and today, on a very rainy Southern California Saturday, are sharing their time to help the Salvation Army Kettle Campaign. I asked these two gentlemen how long they've volunteered as bell ringers and the kind man on the right, replied with a smile and giggle, "Over 20 years."

What dedication they have to the Red Kettles - and the larger services the Salvation Army provides everyday to thousands of people around the world. Consider dropping your loose change in the bucket next time you hear the bell.

P.S. The Red Kettles have also gone virtual!

1 comment:

  1. I did today! =) (and I hadn't read this until just now.)
