Celebrating Service!

365 Days of Service highlighted an act of service for every day of a full year!

365 encourages individuals to continue share an act of kindness observed, highlight an organization that's serving others, or recognize an individual that's doing good. Inspire good, share greatness, make a diffference - one day of service at a time. Submit your post to

Friday, January 14, 2011

Simply doing his job

I've become a regular at a weekly class at my local gym. I really look forward to it every week.

This 24-Hour Fitness has a private parking lot in a business area. Lucky for those who work-out, parking tickets are validated in the gym for up to 2 hours. In typical LA fashion, if it weren't validated it's $2 per 20 minutes. Yikes! With validation, 25 cents total.

Since moving to LA I've vowed never to spend quarters on anything other than parking meters and laundry. It's for the best. And now I've started keeping my smaller loose change in my door handle, just for those times at the gym where they ask me for my token 25 cents. (I like to call it my penny for every hour that 24-Hour Fitness is open and another penny for good luck.)

This week I dug out three dimes from my door handle when I approached the man in the parking booth. I rolled down my window and handed my dimes. Whoops, I dropped one on the road during the exchange. "Sorry," I say. I start to open my door to retrieve it for him to pay my toll and he says, "Don't worry about it." Then he hands me my nickel change and says, "Have a good night."

So, not only did I drop the dime and not have to pick it up off the road, but this parking booth employee said it was okay, not to worry, and gave me my change anyway. Technically, I didn't even deserve the change because I didn't even pay the full toll!

I'm always so impressed by people who do their jobs well and are friendly  while doing so and this kind man reaffirmed my appreciation for those who simply do their job and do it well. Thank you, kind sir!

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