Celebrating Service!

365 Days of Service highlighted an act of service for every day of a full year!

365 encourages individuals to continue share an act of kindness observed, highlight an organization that's serving others, or recognize an individual that's doing good. Inspire good, share greatness, make a diffference - one day of service at a time. Submit your post to

Friday, January 28, 2011

Support Your Local Library

Don't forget about your local public library!

Public libraries are a huge FREE serivce open to everyone. Amazing, actually. In my library I can borrow books - thousands of titles to choose from - for a month, rent DVDs at no cost for a week, pick out music CDs for my listening pleasure read the magazines, journals and newspapers that are currently on bookstore shelves, receive help from a librarian on any topic my heart desires. You can use the library computers, you can bring your own computer and use their wireless internet, I'm conviced that you can do just about anything at your local library.

What do you need to do? Just about nothing. Submit an application showing that your a local resident of the area and you too can obtain your library card. Just be a good citizen and return everything you borrow on time (or pay the minimal fine if you forget!)

You can put books on hold - yes, all you have to do is make a quick click of the computer and at your service, someone will pull your requested material for you and it'll be ready for you to pick up. You don't even have to pull it of the shelf or hope someone else isn't borrowing it when you want it, they'll save it for you!

Check out your library calendar. Almost daily libraries have activities to benefit commuity members. Public speakers, movies, workshops - you name it, they have it! And, they have just the same for children too!

Most recently my local library expanded to include the additional service of e-books. Making the convinient library even easier. All you have to do is log-in to your account, borrow the e-book, download necessary software (free too!) and within an instant you can pull up a book on your computer, mobile device, just about anything with today's technology.  

Public libraries probably could save the world. If everyone had these resources free and available to them... support your local library today!

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